Friday, March 21, 2014

My 1913 Yale 4HP Motorcycle (Tribute)

So this is what happens when you watch one too many episodes of "What's In The Barn?"  You convince yourself that buying and collecting cars is expensive and time consuming with all the registering, tagging, licensing, insuring, and paperwork involved.  You may even talk yourself into getting a vintage motorcycle... sorta.  Real vintage bikes are $50K and up.  Ugh!  This is my 1913 Yale 4HP Motorcycle.  It's really a tribute bike since the only part that's 100 years old is the carbide head-lamp.  And the only reason its a YALE is because of the sticker.  Real YALEs look different and I didn't want an Indian or Harley sticker on it.  Okay, really, its just a modified bicycle with a 66cc engine that's been added.  But boy is it FUN to ride!!!  I mean F-U-N!  Now I feel like Dale Walksler - but for a fraction of the price!!!  Happy motoring....